Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Plan for 2014

Those who know me well know that I am an extreme planner. I have already transferred important info from my 2013 agenda into my new 2014 agenda, set up my calendar of bill payment reminders for the year, and making plans for 2014 at work.... I would be thrilled if I could fill in the plans of everyday for the entire year of 2014. If possible, I would have work schedules, traveling plans, Dr. appointments, grocery lists, meal plans, date nights, laundry times, cleaning times, studying times, etc, etc, all "penciled in" for the rest of the year. Unfortunately, life does not work out this way. And oddly enough, not all people prefer to function this way. I can't image! ;) Even more so than wanting to be able to fill in all the little details that will make up the year's schedule, I just would like to know what the year has in store overall. Once again, I luck out in that department. What I am coming to realize, though, and trying to remind myself of daily, is that even though I do not know and cannot plan for what the future holds, I can find comfort in knowing that my Heavenly Father does know and is in control of my future. The hard part for me is trusting, waiting, and not worrying.

Throughout different struggles in life, I find that we often ask God, "Why?". Why is this happening, why isn't this working, why I am going through this, why me and not someone else, etc. As I have been facing a somewhat personal issue (a little too personal for the internet) throughout 2013, I have struggled with asking Why?, I have struggled with trusting, I have struggled with patience (among many other things). A dear family we know who had to bury their 8 year old son this week, said that they realized they should not being asking God, "Why?". They are finding comfort in the fact that God is in control. Who are we to question the Lord Almighty, the Creator of the universe, our loving Father?

Instead of wondering why things turn out the way they do, my goal for 2014 is to remember that my Heavenly Father has everything under control. Even if things don't work out the way I would have planned, I pray that I always remember that He loves me, is with me always, and that is truly all I need in this life.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding" Prov 3:5
"He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he." Prov 16:20

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