Monday, October 24, 2016

Jackson {Two Months}

Well, the last 2 months have flown by way faster than we could have ever imagined! We have loved every day with this sweet boy and are so thankful! Each day is slightly different; we haven't really gotten into any real routine. We had a couple of weeks that we started putting Jackson down for the night around 8:30. He would sleep for about 3.5- 4 hours then wake up 2-3 more times for feedings. However, with our busy and unpredictable evenings, this has not become a regular routine. We still aim to feed him, change him, and lay him down sometime around 9 - unless it's Wednesday and we are not home from Bible class yet. 

As far as sleep goes, Jackson does an amazing job at putting himself back to sleep through the night. He usually falls asleep in our arms and as soon as we lay him down, the eyes open wide. He will lay in his bed for sometimes 15 minutes just stretching and kicking and staring until he finally falls back asleep. Even after his night time meals, he will fall back asleep easily on his own. 

We have increased his reflux medication dosage because he has gained so much weight! He is a great eater! During the day he will eat every 2-3 hours...usually its every 2 hours on the dot! But, his feeding times have decreased from 30+ minutes to an average of about 15 minutes at a time- much more manageable for Momma! 

I have so enjoyed spending everyday with him! Maternity leave has been a great blessing! WE will go back to work part time in the middle of November--WE meaning he gets to come with me! We have pretty much everything we need, but I have been collecting and ordering a few extra items to leave at work for Jackson. He will have a little area dedicated to him in the office...Piano Gym, Floor Mat, pack n play, Take Along Swing, etc. I am excited about the Take Along Swing- it is so convenient for small spaces and traveling! Easy to fold up and so far, Jackson likes it!

This past weekend, Jackson went on his first youth group retreat! I was a little nervous about the van ride- I didn't know how he would do and we had 24 other people traveling with us! Baby J did awesome! I had pumped and prepared a bottle for each ride and we only needed it once. One of the boys in the youth group was sitting by Jackson when he was ready to eat so he got to give him his first "car ride bottle"! Jackson has no trouble transitioning between nursing and bottle. I did my best not to pack the entire house and I think I did pretty good! We took his Rock N Play sleeper (which he sleeps great in every night right beside my bed!) and his Boppy Lounger along with a ton of clothes and diapers.

Weight: 12 lb, 9 oz
Height: 23.5"

Hair is returning (he lost a little in the front)
Cradle cap is clearing up!

sucking his hands

being hungry
fights day time naps

He now laughs!

He is such a happy baby boy!

Happy Two Months!

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