Tuesday, January 19, 2016

We're Pregnant!

When we go on hiking trips one of the top suggestions from the ranger station is to hike in groups of three or more. It has always just been the two of us on our trips in the past, but for our upcoming trip in April, Lord willing, there will be three! I don't think the National Parks Service had "baby in the womb" in mind for making the group of three, but we will call it three! No, we won't be doing any strenuous, long, or back country hikes this trip, but we do plan for a few short day hikes- with doctor approval. ;)

So, we're pregnant! 7 weeks and 2 days. The due date is September 4, and so far everything is looking great! On January 4, I had my first ever ultrasound with good results. We were so nervous because every other ultrasound I have ever had has given reason for concern, shown problems, confirmed heartbreak. But on January 4, January 8, and January 12, we had good ultrasounds! On January 8 and January 12 we were able to see the baby's heartbeat- a first for us!

After the last miscarriage, we were able to do a LOT of bloodwork and more testing. Doctors discovered two more problems- inability to break down folic acid and a blood clotting disorder. Folic acid is vital for egg quality and baby development but my body doesn't accept it so I needed a different form- folate. Secondly, my blood is, apparently, too thick to get through the little veins/vessels that get to the baby- so I needed a blood thinner. I have been taking a different vitamin with folate, rather than folic acid for several months and since the day after we found out about this pregnancy, I have been giving myself blood thinner injections in my stomach daily. Along with baby aspirin and progesterone daily. The doctor has told me there is no medication that I could be taking that I am not currently taking...in other words, we are doing everything we can at this point. +a lot of prayer...

Everything seems to be working as it should- blood levels are great, measurements are great, heart rate is great...and in our book, morning/all day/evening sickness is even great! In fact, if I find myself feeling good at any point in the day, I start to get worried...I'm not over thinking this at all... ;) (yeah right!)

Many of you are probably thinking "only 7 weeks and they're already sharing the news?" Let us explain a little bit. I used to say that I would, under no circumstances, share this news until we had moved into the second trimester. I understand that thought process and if that is what works for you, then that's great. For us, we have learned more than we knew, experienced things we wished we hadn't, and changed our thought process about what works for us. Never say never, right? :) First of all, we believe that life begins at conception. So, yes, our 7 week, raspberry sized, tadpole looking, heartbeating baby is a baby and is a life and we have chosen to celebrate that. Secondly, due to our past experiences, our opportunity to celebrate, share, and give thanks has been cut short. We are hopeful and confident that our God can (and praying He will) let this baby continue to grow, but we want to celebrate and enjoy every minute of this experience and that includes sharing with our friends and family. Three years waiting, two babies lost, countless prayers later, we are pregnant and are thrilled and so very thankful. We hope you understand our decision to share our news a little earlier than the "norm".

Current plan: I go back to my local OB during the 8th week for a check up If all is still good, I will meet with the high risk specialist at 10 weeks for more testing and to start a plan since this is a high risk pregnancy. For now, I stay on track with all the medications, and a lot of rest. She doesn't want me on my feet or walking around much until we get to 14 weeks. As tired and nauseous as I have been feeling, I don't mind the shorter work days and longer nights one bit!

What about the Adoption?
     We are still going to adopt! However, right now our profile is "on hold" with the agency. The adoption agency has a policy stating that a couple cannot be on the list while pregnant. If we happen to lose this baby, the agency will put us back on the list once they feel that we have had time to grieve. If God blesses us with a healthy pregnancy and we get to meet this baby, the agency will allow us to return to list after the baby is 6 months old. We can choose at what time we will be added back to the list, but it cannot be sooner than 6 months after the birth. All of the money that has been raised/donated for the adoption is a separate adoption account and will only be used toward the adoption. All money that has already been paid to the agency will just be held along with our profile.

Please be praying for our little raspberry sized baby to continue to grow and for a healthy pregnancy. We want nothing more than to love, meet, hold, and raise this little baby. <3

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