Over the last few weeks and months we have gotten to see our local brethren work, prepare, organize, cook, purchase, pray, promote, and look forward to Focal Point. It is a great encouragement to see so many people overly willing to give of their time, energy, and finances for the work of the Lord. However, as encouraging as that has been, to me, it pales in comparison to the desire, sincerity, and excitement I have seen this week in our brethren to learn about and worship our God. From 5 year olds leading singing in ladies class to those 80+ soaking up everything they hear because they are humble enough to realize they will always need the Lord and all they can learn from His Word.
Over the past few days, we have gotten to meet, visit, reconnect, and worship with people from all over the nation (and a couple from Jamaica!). The best part about it is, even if we were meeting for the first time, there was already a love for one another, a common love for our God, and a (spiritual) family connection. It's been said before, but Focal Point is like a family reunion. From learning a new way to mark my Bible for topical study, advice on marriage and parenting, lessons on how great our God is (and all the other many lessons in between) to having the opportunity to serve in various capacities, it has truly been a great week! To those who were visiting this week- we thank you for coming, teaching us, encouraging us, and giving us a chance to serve! Although the"workshop"/meeting/classes have ended, the lessons learned have not. I pray that we all take to heart the things we have learned this week and remember them for years to come.
When we got home last night after the last evening of the "camp for adults" (as some have called Focal Point), I opened a large envelope from the mailbox full of camper applications for Peach Valley. How exciting and fitting it was! Focal Point is over, but our work is not. Can't wait for July! Loving the life of a Christian!